About Geothermal

Our Goal - Fight Climate Change
with Lower Emissions

As you may know Geothermal energy is derived from heat produced in the subsurface. Heat is generated from natural radiogenic decay of elements in the upper crust as well as heat generated from the formation of the planet. 

While there is a natural flow of heat from depth to the surface anywhere on Earth, local geological processes & fractures can lead to high-temperature geothermal resources that are within economic drilling depths. 

Due to the geologic setting we have, most people would not think of Geothermal Energy to be of use in Ontario. And it would be correct to assume that the resource will be down very deep below the surface. We expect to reach 150 degrees C only when we get down to depths of about 6500 meters and to reach 250 C at depth of about 8000m. 

The high cost of going deep for the higher temperatures requires us to maximize the use of all the attributes of the resource. These include the generation of electrical energy & capacity along with the use of the residual heat for thermal intensive processes or industries. 

We must also plan to obtain all the green benefits (emission credits) that occur due to the emissions reduction deep geothermal will bring by offsetting other dirty non-renewable forms of heat & energy.

As well as planning to maximize the areas of potential revenue we must also leverage the vast knowledge and experience of the Canadian oil & gas supply chain to help bring down the costs of deep Geothermal development.

Just as ongoing technology improvements in the exploration and development of natural gas and oil resources, such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, have led to dramatic increases in the fossil fuel resource base and corresponding decreases in commodity prices, new technology and learning-by-doing can reduce the cost of generating electricity from geothermal energy. This is particularly true for EGS, which is technology-based rather than exploration-based.

Doing deep geothermal here in Ontario will enable deep Geothermal to be done anywhere on our planet using the same technology.

We will fight climate change by building new local sources of electrical and thermal energy for Ontario: a source that will never run out, runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is reliable, safe, and efficient.

Wind and Solar are not baseload energy sources, as their output fluctuates daily and is dependent on the weather. However their production is key to our clean energy mix. 

Our quickly aging nuclear production can only meet less than half of the power required for Ontario. If we continue to renew nuclear contracts, energy cost will continue to rise as costs are astronomical and nuclear is inherently dangerous if not managed properly.

Along with hydroelectric power, Deep EGS Geothermal sources are the future baseload power supply for Ontario, and potentially Canada.

Types of Geothermal Development

Emerging Systems - Closed Loop

The Loop concept will directly cut away uncertainties involved with EGS regarding reservoir lifetime, thermal breakthrough, connectivity and short-circuiting. 

Since there is no hydraulic fracturing involved, the system would not cause any seismic events and could thus be built directly within populated areas to provide heat and power where it is needed.

Ontario Geothermal Renewable Energy is also working on a patent pending form of Emerging Geothermal System we are calling "GeoREDE"

Geothermal Renewable Energy from Deep Earth

  • The thermal properties of the rock are essential for this type of concept as it relies only on conductive heat transfer for the extraction of energy
  • To eliminate thermal losses in the inlet and outlet wells, insulation of the upper wellbores must be considered
  • The optimal diameter of the wellbores in the heat exchanger is a function of heat extraction rate, pressure drop and available drilling technology and cost available in Ontario 

Conventional Geothermal

Uses existing thermal reservoirs of water or steam
  • With the correct geology, some mineral extraction can be done from the brine – lithium being one that is under R&D
  • Conventional Geothermal facilities are active across the globe
Within the US there are 3,591 MW of facilities that are operational with many more proposed or under development
Within Canada in 2019,  only 2 active Conventional Geothermal facilities were being developed (DEEP @ 5 MW in SK. & Borealis GeoPower @ Valemount, BC) 

  • Has existed as a viable renewable energy technology for over 100 years
  • Very site specific for traditional geothermal – generally active tectonic areas

Basic EGS System Layout

Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) developments have existed in small scale for more than 30 years. Also called Hot, dry rock (HDR) and Engineered Geothermal Systems.

Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), oversimplified, are holes drilled into deep, subsurface formations of naturally hot rock. 

Cold water – just water, no toxic chemicals – is pumped into these formations to fracture the rock and make it porous, more cold water is flowed through the hot rock. The resulting hot water and steam are pumped back up to the surface where it is used to provide heat and make electricity for the community and supply thermal energy (hot water) as required.

An EGS project is a man-made heat exchanger engineered in hot rock through hydraulic stimulation 
  • Depth of drilling depends on location  
  • Drilling down to the required temperature - usually above 150 C
  • Generally drilling into granite basement 

Basic Operation of EGS Geothermal

  • Cold water is pumped under pressure down an injection well and is heated in the geothermal hot rock 
  • The hot water returns to the surface under pressure
  • The hot water heats up a secondary working fluid via a heat exchanger. This removes some of the heat from the water
  • The heated vapour from the secondary fluid spins a turbine to generate electricity and is then cooled & returned to be reheated  
  • The residual hot water can be used for thermal heating in industrial or agricultural facilities 
  • When used and cooled the water is returned underground via the injection well to be heated and used again 
  • The water that is used to circulate beneath the ground is in a closed-loop so that no water source is required

US Department Of Energy Illustrates  EGS Geothermal

  • Operation the same as above 

Super Hot EGS - the Future of Energy Production

EGS Super Hot is the “Holy Grail” of geothermal and many countries and groups are working to achieve the new drilling technologies, lower drilling costs, materials & energy generation technology required for working in the extreme heat and high pressure. Many different methods are being examined. 

We are fortunate to have contact  with non-profit Hotrock Energy Research Organization (HERO) as our study partner. This gives us access to what has been currently developed and the future development of the drilling expertise, equipment and materials for EGS Super Hot.  

It is hoped that as we move along the path of EGS development in Ontario we can use these new techniques and materials to lower our costs and economically reach the EGS Super Hot depths & temperatures. If we can achieve this the development of EGS can occur anywhere in Ontario.

The benefit is huge - higher energy density brings down the cost of energy produced. 
Examples of Super Hot
  • USA - Newberry Project
  • Iceland Deep Drilling Project
  • Italy - DESCRAMBLE Project
  • Mexico - Los Humeros Project
  • Japan - Kakkonda Project

Geothermal Power is Stable

No matter the weather, no matter the time of day, no matter the wind or sun exposure, geothermal energy works everyday without failure. It acts as baseload power - running 24/7 - a power system that adds capacity & energy to the system continuously. 

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