First Nations

First Nations
We firmly believe that the First Nations of Ontario are entitled to benefit from the deep geothermal energy resources that exist beneath our feet.

As a company, we believe that the Indigenous people, which here in Ontario we refer to as “First Nations”, are entitled to benefit from the deep geothermal renewable energy resource. We have from the start been in contact with multiple First Nations discussing their concerns and how we can address those concerns.

We will continue the ongoing dialogue we have with First Nations and get their active involvement in the creation of a deep geothermal energy policy in Ontario that provides both methods of employment and potential revenue sources for First Nations.

Our Goals for establishing an effective and fair Deep EGS Geothermal Ontario Regulatory Policy are as follows based on current practice worldwide:

•    Geothermal Energy defined as energy stored in the form of heat beneath the surface of the Earth.
•    Define Shallow Geothermal Energy as from surface level down to 1 kilometre (1000m) below sea level.
•    Define Deep Geothermal Energy as 1 kilometer (1000m) or more below sea level.
•    The Crown to maintain ownership of all Deep Geothermal Energy resources.
•    Tenure issued based on company acquiring a permit through an application process, similar to staking mineral rights.
•    Land of interest is nominated to the Ministry of Energy Northern Development & Mines (MENDM) by the proponent. The Ministry solicits comments about the parcel from First Nations, local government and other affected agencies.
•    Royalties from the use of the Deep Geothermal Energy resource are to be assigned by the Crown to the First Nation, whose Treaty Territory the development occurs within, as a resource revenue sharing agreement.
•    In order to encourage development, the Royalty fee is to be deferred for the initial 10 years of operation.
•    To give certainty to developers, Investors and First Nations the Royalty fee is to be set at 3% of the yearly gross heat revenue (this would include generation & thermal revenues).
•    Establish a development & approvals process along the lines of the old Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process, but also incorporating relevant aspects of the current Ontario drilling regulations. (Oil, Gas and Salt Resources of Ontario Provincial Operating Standards, Version 2.0)

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